
At Zettajobs we pride ourselves on our ability to provide high quality, rapid results at an affordable prices. Clients deal with one point of contact and our ability to understand your needs, quickly source candidates and manage the recruitment process makes hiring a pleasure, not a chore. No job is too big or too small, and no matter how remote the location or how rare the skill set requirements, we will do our very best to fill your open positions. We understand that finding the right talent at the right time is key to the success of your business


Our consultants are experts in recruitment with superb search and selection skills. We clearly communicate with candidates on our clients’ behalf and manage the application and interview process from first contact to successful placement. Bespoke reference checks are available too on request. Not only do we have a superb network of contacts in the finance and legal worlds, we also have tailored social media solutions, job board access, referral schemes and our ever growing candidate database to assist us in our searches. We guarantee that candidates presented have been properly profiled to ensure suitability, and we convey your company and job information clearly to enable candidates to understand your business and the role. So whether your company is looking for seasoned veterans or the new kids on the block, we can connect you with the high impact talent you need


Our contingency searches provide clients with a no-risk opportunity to view the CV’s we can provide. We only require payment if a candidate we present is hired, so it costs companies and hiring managers nothing to see if the talent we can provide compliments their existing options


If very quick turnaround is vital for a difficult role, some clients prefer to employ a retained search. For a small up-front fee, we can prioritise roles that require a rapid response and dedicate additional resources where needed. The complete customized search plan we provide ensures that we do not rest until those business critical job positions are filled


Here at Zettajobs we see ourselves as an extension of our clients’ HR / Talent Acquisition department. We therefore act as true business partners, advising clients on the best strategy to secure the talent they need. We provide useful market information, negotiation tips and even advise on how to incentivise existing employees and improve staff retention

Zettajobs is your high quality, no-nonsense, cost effective Recruitment Solutions Partner. If you require the best talent to grow your business, contact us to see how we can assist.